Innovation Nation

The new Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation provides an amazing look into the history and future of Israel as a "Start Up Nation". This interactive centre provides the visitor in the first section to meet with some of the people who have made amazing creations that have impacted not only on Israel but the world, like Uri Levine from Waze and Dr Ruth Amnon who invented a drug to treat Multiple Sclerosis. Listen to their "ideas", "challenges" and "advice".
In the next room we are taken to the study of Shimon Peres. We follow the story of his life from Kibbutz Alumot near the Knesset to President and hear that his only regret is that he dreamed to small.
We then move into another interactive room which is a timeline of the discoveries and inventions that Israel has made along the course of it's existence such as cultivating 12 Noble Prizes winners and also inventing the game Rummikub!!
Then the highlight a virtual reality trip to deal with the challenges that might face the world in 20 years time when the population will reach 9,000,000,000. How will we feed the world? How will we get around? This virtual journey let's you explore some of the solutions.

The final presentation is an Israel Expo which is a window into the future displaying over 40 Start Ups that are contributing to make the future a reality today.

A visit to this centre is a tribute to Israel's creative past and limitless future. Run don't walk!